Introduction to C Language

What is C programming?

It is a structured programming language which is used to write computer program. Its is a  general purpose procedural and structured programming language which is used to develop  software such as Operating System, compiler, databases etc.

History of C:

  • It was first developed by “Dennis Richie” in 1972 at AT & T’s Bell Laboratory.
  • It is a powerful programming language that is used to develop various applications on various platforms.
  • It is a procedural programming language developed to built the operating system.
  • It was developed for the Unix Operating System.
  • All the applications of the Unix Operating system are written in the C language.
  • It was very firstly implemented in 1972 on the Digital Equipment Corporation (PDP-11) computer.
  • In this modern life, C became the widely used professional programming language.
  • The features of C language like simple keywords, clean style, low-level memory, etc., are used for compiler development, Operating System, etc.
  • Later, the Syntax of C has been borrowed directly or indirectly by the other programming languages.
  • C++ programming language nearly became a subset of C.
  • Few other programs can only compile on C, not on C++.

Reasons to learn the C programming language?

  • Firstly, if people are working in the software industry, they must learn C.
  • It is a computer programming language that is easy to learn for the beginner in the computer industry.
  • The low-level activities can be handled quickly and efficiently.
  • It is a structured programming language.
  • With the help of C, we can understand the computer fundamentals clearly.

Advantages of C programming:

  • It is a powerful and efficient language.
  • It has built-in functions.
  • It is a middle-level programming language.
  • It is  portable (with-care).
  • It is flexible.
  • The high-quality tools are readily available.
  • It is security friendly.
  • Fast execution time.

Disadvantages of C Programming language:

  • The compiler of C programming is platform dependent.
  • The OOPs concept is unavailable.
  • The exception handling is lacking.
  • It is based on runtime checking.
  • Namespace concept.
  • Low-level abstraction.
  • It does not support in-line functions.
  • The large scale program support is inadequate for C.

Features of C programming:

  • Highly efficiently.
  • General-purpose language.
  • Structured programming language.
  • System programming.
  • High securely.
  • System independent.

Applications of C programming:

  • Operating Systems.
  • GUI.
  • Compiler Design.
  • Text Editors.
  • Embedded System.
  • Databases like MySQL, etc.,
  • Gaming and Animation.

Environment Set-up

Download and Installing C compiler.

In this tutorial, you will learn a step by step process for setting up a compiler on your operating system. To correlate a C program, we need a compiler. A compiler is a program that converts the program instructions code into machine understandable language, i.e., a binary code that is easily read, understood, and executed by the computer.

As there are so many compilers available in the market for the available programming languages. We use a MINGW-compiler used for the C/C++ programming languages development environment to turn the code into a program using this freely available tool.

Setting Up Code::Blocks IDE on Windows Operating System: 

The following steps show the instructions for downloading, installing and running code-block on Windows 2000 / XP / Vista /  7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10:

Step 1:  Download Code::Blocks

Step 2: Installing Code:: Blocks

Step 3: Running Code:: Blocks

Setting Up Code::Blocks IDE on Apple-MAC Operating System:

The following steps show the instructions for downloading, installing and running code-block on Mac OS.

Step 1:  Firstly, install Xcode because for compiler Mac version from Apple relies on the distribution of  Xcode.

Step 2:  Download Code::Blocks

Step 3: Installing Code:: Blocks

Step 4: Running Code:: Blocks

First  C Program:

int main()
    /* printf function displays the content that is
    passed between the double quotes.*/
    printf("Hello Scriptwithme");
    return 0;


Hello Scriptwithme

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent eu orci faucibus orci malesuada semper eget non tellus. Cras sed dignissim purus. Mauris varius neque leo, eu pellentesque justo venenatis et. Sed ultricies risus non turpis tempus, nec  nulla suscipit. In comdo urna eu turpis accumsan, et viverra mauris fringillaCras interdum 

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent eu orci faucibus orci malesuada semper eget non tellus. Cras sed dignissim purus. Mauris varius neque leo, eu pellentesque justo venenatis et. Sed ultricies risus non turpis tempus, nec  nulla suscipit. In comdo urna eu turpis accumsan, et viverra mauris fringillaCras interdum 

Video 48 Min  + 2 Min read to complete

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent eu orci faucibus orci malesuada semper eget non tellus. Cras sed dignissim purus. Mauris varius neque leo, eu pellentesque justo venenatis et. Sed ultricies risus non turpis tempus, nec  nulla suscipit. In comdo urna eu turpis accumsan, et viverra mauris fringillaCras interdum 

Video 48 Min  + 2 Min read to complete

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