
Assignment Operator

  • The assignment operator in Java language is used to assign a value to a variable.
  • Syntax:

variable name = expression;

  • where an expression may be a single constant or complex as required.

Types of Assignment Operators:

(1) “=”

  • It is a simple assignment operator. 




  • It is used to assign the value to the variable present on the left side of the operator.

(2) “+=”

  • It is the combination of two operators, i.e., ‘+’ and ‘=’. 


(x += y) is same as (x = x+y)

  • It first adds the current value of the variable on the left side of the ‘+’ operator to the value on the right side of the operator ‘=’.
  • It then assigns the result to the variable on the left.

(3) “-=”:

  • This operator is the combination of two operators, i.e., ‘-‘ and ‘=’.


(x-=y) is same as (x=x-y)

  • It first subtracts the current value of the variable on the left side of the ‘-‘ operator to the value on the right side of the operator ‘=’.
  • It then assigns the obtained result to the variable on the left.

(4) “*=”:

  • This operator is combination of two operators i.e., ‘* ‘and ‘=’.


(x *= y) is same as (x= x * y)

  • It first multiplies the current value of the variable on the left side of the ‘*’ operator to the value on the right side of the operator ‘=’.
  • It then assigns the obtained result to the variable on the left.

(5) “/=”:

  • This operator is the combination of two operators, i.e., ‘/’and ‘=’.


(x /= y) is same as (x = x/ y)

  • It first divides the current value of the variable on the left side of the ‘/’ operator to the value on the right side of the operator ‘=’.
  • It then assigns the obtained result to the variable on the left.


  • This operator is the combination of two operators, i.e., ‘% ‘and ‘=’.


(x %= y) is same as (x = x% y)

  • It first divides the current value of the variable on the left side of the ‘%’ operator to the value on the right side of the operator ‘=’.
  • It then assigns the obtained remainder of the division to the variable on the left.

Example Program:


Arithmetic Operator

Arithmetic Operator

An arithmetic operator performs common mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and modulus on numerical values (constants and variables).

Different types of Arithmetic Operators:

(1)  ‘+’:

          It performs the addition of two values.


                             x + y

(2) ‘-‘:

          It performs the subtraction of one value with another.


                             x – y

(3) ‘*’:

          It performs the multiplication of two values.


                             x * y

(4) ‘/’:

          It performs the division of one value with another.


                             x / y

(5) ‘%’:

          It provides the Remainder after dividing two values.


                             x  % y



Increment Operator

Increment Operator

  • Java includes increment operator “++” to simplify common operations.
  • The increment operator “++” adds 1 to its operand, and its value gets modified.


x = x+1;

      is the same as


  • Increment operator may be either precede (prefix) or follow (postfix) the operand.


x = x+1;

can be written

++x; or x++;

  • In Java, we can’t apply increment operator to the variables declared as final because their value cannot be modified.
  • We cannot use increment operator with boolean.

Example Program:

package Sample;

public class IncrementOperator {

       public static void main(String[] args)


        int a = 10;

        int b = ++a;






Decrement Operator

  • Java includes decrement operator “–” to simplify common operation.
  • The decrement operator “–” subtracts 1 to its operand, and its value gets modified.


x = x-1;

is the same as


  • Decrement operator may be either precede (prefix) or follow (postfix) the operand.


 x = x-1;

can be written

–x; or x–;

  • In Java, we can’t apply increment operator to the variables declared as final because their value cannot be modified.
  • We cannot use increment operator with boolean.

Example Program:

package Sample;

public class DecrementOperator {

       public static void main(String[] args)


        int a = 10;

        int b = –a;






Relational Operators

  • Relational operators are used to check the type of relationship between two values.

 Different types of Relational Operators:

= =




  1. ‘==’:

    It is known as “Equal to operator”.

    It checks whether the two given values are equal or not. If they are equal, then it     returns true or else false. 


2==3 returns false.

4==4 returns true.

  1. “!=”:
  • It is known as “Not equal to operator”.
  • It is the Boolean complement of the “==” operator.
  • It checks whether the two given values are equal or not. If so, then it returns true or else false.


2!=5 returns true.

1!=1 returns false.

  1. “>”:
  • It is known as “Greater than operator”.
  • It checks whether the left side value of”>” is greater than the right side value or not. 
  • If they are greater, then it returns true or else false.


                   2>5 returns false.

                   4>1 returns true.

  1. “<“:
  • It is known as “Lesser than operator”.
  • It checks whether the left side value of “< “is lesser than the right side value or not. 
  • If it is lesser, then it returns true or else false.


                   5<2 returns true.

                   3<5 returns false.

  1. “>=”:
  • It is known as “Greater than or equal to operator”.
  • It checks whether the left side value of “>=” is greater than the right side value or not. 
  • If so, then it returns true or else false.


                   3>=3 returns true.

                   2<=1 returns false.

  1. “<=”:
  • It is known as “Less than or equal to operator”.
  • It checks whether the left side value of “<=” is lesser than or equal to the right side value or not. 
  • If so, then it returns true or else false.


                   2<=5 returns true.

                   5<=1 returns false.


package Sample;

public class RelationalOperators {

     public static void main(String[] args) {

         int a = 5, b = 10;

         System.out.println(“a= ” + a + ” & b = ” + b);

         System.out.println(a == b); 

         System.out.println(a != b); 

         System.out.println(a > b); 

         System.out.println(a < b); 

         System.out.println(a >= b); 

         System.out.println(a <= b); 




a= 5 & b = 10







Logical Operator

  • Logical operators are used in decision making in Java.
  • There are three logical operators supported by the Java language. 

They are shown below:

(1) &&

(2) ||

(3) !

  1. ‘&&’ operator:
  • It is known as Logical AND operator.
  • It returns true when both the given conditions are satisfied. Otherwise, returns false.


 x && y returns true when both a and b are true or else returns false.

  1. ‘||’ operator:
  • It is known as a Logical OR operator. 
  • It returns true even if one or both given conditions are satisfied. Otherwise, returns false.


                             x || y returns true if x or y or both are true. Otherwise, returns false.

  1. ‘!’ operator:
  • It is known as Logical NOT operator.
  • The ‘!’operator returns true if the given condition is not satisfied. Otherwise, returns false. 


!x returns true if x is false. Otherwise, returns false.


package Sample;

public class LogicalOperator {

     public static void main(String[] args) {

         int a = 3, b = 5, c = 8;

         System.out.println(“a= ” + a + ” & b = ” + b + ” & c = ” + c);

         System.out.println((b > a) && (c > b)); 

         System.out.println((b > a) && (c < b)); 

         System.out.println((b < a) || (c > b)); 

         System.out.println((b < a) || (c < b));

         System.out.println(!(b == a)); 

         System.out.println(!(a > c)); 




a= 3 & b = 5 & c = 8







Bitwise Operator

Bitwise Operator

  • Bitwise operators in Java are used for testing, shifting, setting the actual bits into a byte or word.
  • We cannot use bitwise operations on the float, double, long double, void, or other more complex types.

 Bitwise Operators are shown below:

 (1) &

 (2) |

 (3) ^

 (4) <<  

 (5) >>

 (6) ~

 (7) >>>

  1. ‘&’ Operator:

 It is known as Bitwise AND Operator.

  • It takes two numbers as operands and performs AND operation on every bit of two numbers.
  • If both the given bits are 1, then the result of AND operation is 1.


package Sample;

public class BitwiseAND {

     public static void main(String[] args)  


          int a = 2, b = 3;   

     System.out.println(“a & b = ” + (a & b));  




a & b = 2

  1. ‘|’ Operator:

 It is known as Bitwise OR Operator.

  • It takes two numbers as operands and performs OR operation on every bit of two numbers.
  • If one of the given two bits is 1, then the result of OR Operation is 1.


package Sample;

public class BitwiseOR {

     public static void main(String[] args)  


     int a = 2, b = 3;    

     System.out.println(“a | b = ” + (a | b));  




a | b = 3

  1. ‘^’ Operator:
  • It is known as the Bitwise XOR operator.
  • It takes two numbers as operands and performs an XOR operation on every bit of two numbers.
  • If two bits are different, then the result of the XOR operation is 1.


package Sample;

public class BitwiseXOR {

     public static void main(String[] args)  


     int a = 9, b = 8;    

     System.out.println(“a ^  b= ” + (a ^ b));  




a ^  b= 1

  1. ‘<<‘ Operator:
  • It is known as the Left Shift operator.
  • It takes two numbers as operands.
  • It left shifts the bits of the first operand, and the second operand defines the number of places to shift.


package Sample;

public class LeftShiftOperator {

     public static void main(String args[])  


     int a = 10;  

     System.out.println(“a<<1 = ” + (a << 1));  




a<<1 = 20

  1. ‘>>’ Operator:
  • It is known as the Right Shift operator.
  • It takes two numbers; right shifts the bits of the first operand and the second operand defines the number of places to shift.


package Sample;

public class RightShiftOperator {

     public static void main(String args[])  


     int a = 40;  

     System.out.println(“a>>2 = ” + (a >>2));  




a>>2 = 10

  1. ‘~’ Operator:
  • It is known as Bitwise NOT Operator.
  • It takes one number and compliments all bits of it.


package Sample;

public class BitwiseNOT {

     public static void main(String[] args)  


     int a = 5;   

     System.out.println(“~a = ” + (~a));  




~a = -6

  1. ‘>>>’ Operator:
  • It is known as Unsigned Right Shift Operator.
  • It shifts a zero at the leftmost position and fills 0.


If x=11100000 and y=2, find x>>>y?

x >>> y = 11100000 >>> 2 = 00111000


package Sample;

public class UnsignedRightShift {

     public static void main(String args[])  


     int a = 20;  

     System.out.println(“a>>>2 = ” + (a >>>2));  




a>>>2 = 5

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